The next Belbury Youth Club Night will be held at Vivid in Birmingham on Sunday 28th March as part of the Flatpack festival.
There'll be a mixed schedule of public information films, haunted old TV programmes, and a new version of Julian House's short film Winter Sun Wavelength with a soundtrack by the Focus Group & Belbury Poly and an exhibition of some of Julian House's artwork for Ghost Box.
There'll be a mixed schedule of public information films, haunted old TV programmes, and a new version of Julian House's short film Winter Sun Wavelength with a soundtrack by the Focus Group & Belbury Poly and an exhibition of some of Julian House's artwork for Ghost Box.
Then at around 8 o'clock it'll be shoes off and chairs away for a live performance from our special guest Moon Wiring Club, followed by music, movement and more films from the Ghost Box DJs.
5pm until late, £7.00. Tickets will be available from flatpack at the end of February